“We want to reduce the drying time for metal parts” KMβ

 Screw Metal parts

We want to reduce the drying time for metal parts

A metal parts manufacturer, O Corporation, told us, “After cleaning the workpieces (metal parts in complicated shapes), we remove water with a water remover but the drainage is poor. Somehow we want to shorten the drying time after water removal and increase the water removal efficiency.” So we proposed and supplied a water remover for small parts.

As a result of using our centrifuge, we received the evaluation that the time for the drying process after water removal was shortened by as much as 34% , and work efficiency increased.

KM small

The proposed KM water remover for use with small parts

Key Points – Original operation program

Reduced drying time by 34%.

We proposed an original operation program instead of the usual water remover operation method.

Drying time was reduced by 34%.

When initially consulted, the metal parts that we had checked were small at around 2 – 5 cm, and we felt, “Isn’t there a lot of water remaining even when a centrifugal force is applied?”

And so, to reduce the water remaining, to enable a special movement in addition to the usual operation method, we proposed an original program.

In addition to the direction of rotation, by proposing a specification that enabled rotation in the opposite direction, too, a complex movement occurred not a monotonous movement, and this device caused the remaining water in the cavities in the small parts to fly out.

Work efficiency increase

The water remover used until now had a motor and to make a special movement required re-wiring each time.

However, with our control method, that kind of troublesome work was not needed, and it was possible to cause a special movement with one touch of the touch panel.

As a result, the time used up for the troublesome re-wiring task was not needed, and the work efficiency greatly increased.

Labor costs reduced by saving on labor

The program was assembled, and with the touch panel the movement was automatically controlled , and a timer can be set now.

Automatic operation is possible with timer control, leading to a reduction in labor costs due to labor savings.

After introducing our water remover for use with small parts, it is possible to remove more water easily than with the usual water remover.

As a result, we received the evaluation that after water removal, the drying process was shortened by as much as 34% され、and work efficiency was increased.

Company supplied

The metal parts manufacturer, O Corporation


Centrifuge supplied

KM small

For any questions or inquiries regarding centrifuges, feel free to contact Matsumoto Machine Sales, the sales arm of the pioneering centrifuge manufacturer.